Princes Cancong and Yufu, Opened up the land in the dim past.
— Li Bai. “The way to Shu is hard”. Trans. Qianzhi Wu.
In the beginning was the Word.
— Bible.
We step and do not step into the same rivers; we are and are not.
— Robinson, Thomas M. Heraclitus Fragments.
Cut it, it doesn’t sever;
Sort it, as entangled as ever
It is a great sorrow to part,
Creating an entirely different feeling in my heart !
—Li Yu, Joy in Seeing Each Other. Trans. Frank C. Yue.
Terms for archetypes of conception of the “relation” in the world: 线索(clue)、经纬(latitude and longitude)、网络(web/network)、组织(organization)、系统(system)...
General terms for colors that froze in the process of laboring(weaving and dyeing): 红(red)、绿(green)、紫(purple)、绛(crimson)、绯(scarlet)、缥(pale cyan)、缁(black)、素(white)、绘(chromatic)、绚(variegated)…
Morphology terms about thoughts and emotions:(思)维(cognition)、(情)绪(sentiment)、缅(怀)(remembrance)、缘(分)(destiny)、(演)绎(deduction)...
Terms related to actions about craft and poiesis: 编(fabricating)、织(weaving)、纺(spinning)、纳(darning)、缝(sewing)、绣(embroidering)、系(tying)、缉(stitching)、缚(binding)、累(accumulating)、缄(sealing)、给(giving)、缮(mending)...
Terms for order and disorder: 综(synthesizing)、统(uniting)、纪(disciplining)、级(ranking)、缩(shrinking)、紊(harassing), 约束(limiting)、总(總, summarizing)结(knotting/ending)...
Terms about speed and subtlety: 纾(loosen)、缓(slowness)、纤(slim)、细(slender)...
Terms related to the marks of progress: 继(maintaining)、续(continuing)、结(ending)、绝(eliminating)、终(concluding)...
Words about the complexity and uncertainty: 纠结(entangling)、缠绵(lingering)、缭绕(wreathing)、缱绻(intertwining)、绸缪(attaching)、绰约(winding graceful)、缥缈(dimly discernible)、纷繁(numerous and complicated)...
Again and again, picking mulberry leaves, not lamenting starving for raising silkworms.
They eat the leaves in your basket and reward you with silk for your loom.
With silk in return, where your gauze is woven.
Poor girl, she raises silkworms but dresses not in silk; ‘tis lamentable you produce silk and die for others.
— Pan Wei, “Ode to the Silkworm Farming Girl”
The word network indicates that resources are concentrated in a few places — the knots and the nodes — which are connected with one another — the links and the mesh: these connections transform the scattered resources into a net that may seem to extend everywhere.
— Latour, Bruno. Science in Action: How to follow scientists and engineers through society
One of the oldest games there is, cat’s cradle. Even the Eskimos know it.
— Vonnegut, Kurt. Cat's Cradle.
The Way cannot be cultivated. If one says that he has attained the Way because of cultivation, even so, the Way will still be broken, and one will be equal to the realm of sravaka. If one says that he does not cultivate (the Way), he would be no different from a mortal.
——Mazu Daoyi, Quotations from the Ancient Sonshukus
The stone pagoda of Jinyin, in front of the seat of government, was originally one of the twin pagodas of the Jinyin nunnery, on which were carved Buddha images and scriptures. It is now behind a private house, obscured by wind and rain, with a peaceful light like a lit lantern.
——(Xianchun) Lin’an Zhi (Records about Lin’an from the Xianchun Reign [1265-1274]), Volume 82
Rarely could the heart go through all the motions, but the ruggedness lies in the dust... If we are enlightened by the subtleties of Dharma, we will be able to cultivate the pure cause.
——Meng Haoran, “After returning to the mountain, for Master Zhan”