Agano Machiko was born on 9th of June, 1953 in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture- west area in Japan. Though Kobe is a big city, it was not separated from nature about 50-60years ago. She used to be familiar with natural environment in my childhood.Then she entered Kyoto City University of Art, started to study textile there. She mainly studied weaving under Toshiko Takagi who was a wife of Kazuo Yagi-a big name of Japanese contemporary ceramic artist.
There was fiber art movement actively pursed all over the world at that time, thanks to her teachers, seniors and a magazine issued by Tanaka Nao Company, she got several information of Lausanne Biennial from them. Then the artist started to try to find the possibility of joining that movement in her university hood. It took 4years for her to produce a good result after completed the post graduate course, and finally her work was accepted at Lausanne Biennial for the first time 1983. Then she began to exhibit installations made from a range of different materials including, silk-organza, bamboo, fishing line, stainless wire, kozo pulp, ceramic soil, resin mirror, expanded polystyrene etc. up until now.
As for her teaching carrier, Agano Machiko started teaching at textile course in The Faculty of Art, Kyoto Seika University, located in north part of Kyoto City from 1995 after experienced teaching in two schools and still working there.Mentioning to Agano Machiko’s carrier at textile, she mainly trained weaving at her university hood and then tried many materials or techniques after graduated from it. Then she got to start knitting work 1997. As it was a huge scarf like shape, 6m wide and more than 30m long, finally she was almost buried in it. Then she felt the possibility of expressing natural feeling by her work because of its huge scale and because of the material-transparent fishing line-. And then she started to put paper making for some part to express the surface of the water like waving a few years later. Agano Machiko had shown this type of work in several venues in several countries such as Belgium, U.K., Bulgaria, Rithoanial;12.m,んーItaly, U.S.A. and Japan.
This time she knitted it 8m wide to more than 11m long and stretch some parts to put paper making by kozo mulberry pulp to express wave like shape and hang from the ceiling .The artist would like visitors to be enveloped by her work and feel something natural atmosphere which is universal for everyone.
Agano Machiko